Bangla Speaking Community is in every part of the world

While I was visiting the website of OmicronLab to download a Bangla Typing Software, Avro Keyboard, I have found an interesting map showing the visitors of the site. The map clearly shows that Bangla Speaking community (both from Bangladesh and India) is present in every part of the world! Throughout 2008, there were over 1.6 lakh (0.16 million) visitors in the site. People from 172 countries visited the site. About half of the visitors came from outside Bangladesh or India. If you consider visitors by country then India is the top (about 48,000). More than 34,000 visitors were from Bangladesh. United States, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Australia, Italy, Japan, Germany, United Arab Emirates and Malaysia are in the top list of the visitors. You can find details about the visitors in the following link