Shahbag Movement: The Audacity of Youth

Starting with the audacity of youth, Shahbag Movement (the Movement) is nothing but the outburst of a long-pending dissatisfaction of the people of a country for fair trial against war-crimes. The Movement is not for revenge, and it is not against any particular religious-believe. The Movement is to confirm the justice for the crimes against humanity which has been delayed for more than four decades. The Movement is to bring-back the spirit of 1971 war of independence. The Movement is to re-write the history of Bangladesh. The demand of Shahbag Movement is very clear and simple - ‘ ensure capital punishment for the war-criminals of 1971 ’. At the same time, ‘the war-criminals should not be allowed to be organized with political, financial or social establishments’. And the ‘people’ of the country has endorsed the demands. The Movement is not going to say how the demands will be full-filled, but it has already established the points. Now, it is the responsibility of the represen...